EHS Momentum FAQs

Your EHS Resource for Simple and Proven Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely not. MyMomentum is month-to-month, although the activation fee is non-refundable. We are so sure you will love it, that we have done away with long-term contracts. Our Pricing page has more information.

We have a simple onboarding process.  The key is to identify a system administrator who can actively engage with our team. Usually that person is in EHS and/or HR, and we will provide you with a checklist of items you can collect on your side to be ready to hit the ground running.

It depends on the amount of data you want to input into MyMomentum and how many of the features you want to rollout at the beginning. That said, it usually takes less than 48 hours to populate the tool and begin reaping the benefits of MyMomentum. 

Absolutely. We have a 24/7 helpdesk and support is a click away. We are committed to helping you every step of the way. We encourage our clients to provide feedback on how we can make the MyMomentum experience better. In addition to the software support, you have access to EHS experts to help you move your program forward.

Absolutely. Some clients decide to automate their employee roster management or develop a dedicated feed of information to their business intelligence systems. There is an additional one-time charge for any integration.

Yes, MyMomentum is in the Okta marketplace and also integrates with the Microsoft Azure platform.

Nothing. You will have 30 days to get all your information out of the tool.  Then we will suspend your account, which can always be reactivated if you want to rejoin.

MyMomentum is Software as a Service (SaaS) and as such must always be connected to an internet connection to operate. The system is constantly pulling from data tables in the cloud, so an offline version does not make sense. Most clients save the website to their home screen to get the one-touch convenience of an app.

We built MyMomentum on all the great ideas of our clients. If you have a good suggestion – we will take it. If you have a special need – we can build it for you. We have built dozens of custom features for clients.

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