Miller Environmental Group

Taking Safety to the Next Level
with MyMomentum


Safety Was Always a Core Value

Miller Environmental Group (MEG) was incorporated in 1971 to service the utility, transportation, and petrochemical industries. Through growth and diversification MEG has remained at the forefront of the environmental industry. Their client base includes petroleum companies, insurance companies, chemical manufacturers and processors, utility companies, aviation service companies, railroads, governmental agencies, and many Fortune 500 companies.

At MEG, safety isn’t just their top priority—it’s a core value that drives every aspect of their operations. Known for their commitment to excellence in environmental services, the company

has always strived to maintain a safe and compliant workplace, benefiting both their employees and their customers.

However, even the best safety programs can improve and drive deeper employee engagement, leveraging innovative tools and programs to foster an interdependent safety culture. John Doerre, Vice President, EHS and Compliance, knew there was an opportunity to improve MEG’s safety performance and was determined to find the right solution. This is where MyMomentum, a cutting-edge cloud- based safety management platform, came into play.


Integrating Safety Into Operations

Prior to implementing MyMomentum, MEG faced several challenges common to every industrial company:

incident report and inspection
behavior based safety
employee buy-in

Cumbersome Incident Reporting and Inspections

These processes relied heavily on paper forms, manual processes, and spreadsheets, making it difficult to manage, track and trend safety issues efficiently.

Insufficient Behavior-Based Safety Observation Program

The company wanted to implement a robust safety observation program but needed a system that was easy for employees to use.

Inconsistent Employee Buy-In

They understood the importance of ensuring that all their employees trusted and actively participated in all safety initiatives for them to achieve their goals.


Leverage Simple-to-Use Platform

As the EHS leader, John and his team actively pursued an innovative solution and determined MyMomentum to be the comprehensive safety management system they could leverage to take the MEG EHS program to the next level. It also gave them the platform upon which they could build their innovative SafetyScan program. A company-wide initiative that puts all field employees on MyMomentum and sets Key Performance Indicators related to real-world safety observations.

According to John, “the goal here was to make it even easier to ‘see something and say something’, whether it be a negative or positive. The use of the MyMomentum QR Code sticker was not limited to hard hats. We have them posted on tablets, in common areas and even in the cab of the trucks.”

Miller Environmental Group
safety scan
mymomentum logo


Get Everyone on the Same Page

Implementing SafetyScan required more than just new tools and stickers —it necessitated a cultural shift within the organization. John and his team worked diligently to ensure that every employee understood the purpose and benefits of the new system. Key to this understanding was ensuring employees this was not a punitive or disciplinary thing, but a way to get employees to stop and

think about safety. The following features of MyMomentum allowed MEG to drive SafetyScan and fundamentally changed the way the company fostered a safe workplace.

Incident Reporting and Inspection Tool:

MyMomentum provided Miller Environmental with a powerful tool to manage and streamline incident reporting and inspections. Front-line managers now had the ability to report issues on the spot. 

This feature alone significantly improved their ability to seamlessly track and address safety issues in real-time.

QR Code-Based Linking System:

Truly the backbone of SafetyScan. By integrating QR codes into their safety program, Miller Environmental transformed their approach to integrating operations and safety. Each employee received a QR code on their hardhat, facilitating easy access for other employees to create safety observation reports, enabling real-time feedback and coaching.

Behavior-Based Safety Observation Program:

MyMomentum allowed the MEG safety team to launch a comprehensive safety observation program categorized into three areas:

Fist Bumps / Coaching

Positive recognition for employees who exhibit save behaviors.

Near Misses / Close Calls

Learning opportunities from avoided dangers.

Feedback / Hazard Recognition

A proactive channel for employees to report concerns directly to the EHS team.

“Gaining employee trust was crucial,” John recalls. “We had to work hard to win them over, but once they understood that our near-miss program was about improving safety and not targeting individuals, we saw a company-wide buy-in.”


What Gets Measured Gets Improved

The implementation of MyMomentum led to dramatic and measurable improvements in Miller Environmental’s safety performance. According to John, “we have dramatically cut our recordable injuries and have seen a significant increase in employee engagement.” “In all my years, I have never seen something so effective at engaging employees and driving down injuries.”

Launched in August of 2022, SafetyScan has yielded the following results:

Through May 2024, MEG employees have done 5675 total Safety Observations, including:

Fist Bumps

1,261 instances of positive reinforcement

Near Misses

861 close calls avoided

Hazard Recognition

3,553 workplace hazards identified

John Doerre, Vice President, EH&S and Compliance at Miller Environmental, shared his insights on the journey:

“Gaining employee trust was crucial,” John recalls. “We had to work hard to win them over, but once they understood that our near-miss program was about improving safety and not targeting individuals, we saw a company-wide buy-in.”
With MyMomentum, MEG successfully transformed their safety program, achieving remarkable improvements in safety observations, employee engagement, and overall safety performance. The partnership with MyMomentum not only provided the necessary tools but also fostered and enabled a culture of safety and continuous improvement.

For more information on how MyMomentum can elevate your EHS program,
contact us today!

One Platform to Enhance Safety and Efficiency

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